
This is a Jekyll plugin that adds social links to your site. It fetches social information stored in a _data/socials.yml file in your code. Under the hood, it relies on some awesome font icons to display the social icons:


  1. Add gem 'jekyll-socials' to your site’s Gemfile
  2. Add the following to your site’s _config.yml:
  - jekyll-socials


Custom Social

To replicate the social information displayed above and in the bottom of this site, create the file _data/socials.yml with the following content:

# this file contains the social media links and usernames
# the commented lines are the default social media links supported by the plugin
# the socials will be displayed in the order they are defined here
# some lines were left uncommented so you can see an example in this site

# acm_id: # your
# blogger_url: # your blogger URL
# bluesky_url: # your bluesky URL
# dblp_url: # your DBLP profile url
# discord_id: # your discord id (18-digit unique numerical identifier)
email: # your email address
# facebook_id: # your facebook id
# flickr_id: # your flickr id
# github_username: # your GitHub user name
# gitlab_username: # your GitLab user name
# ieee_id: # your
inspirehep_id: 1010907 # Inspire HEP author ID
# instagram_id: # your instagram id
# kaggle_id: # your kaggle id
# keybase_username: # your keybase user name
# lastfm_id: # your lastfm id
# lattes_id: # your ID on Lattes (Brazilian Lattes CV)
# leetcode_id: # your LeetCode id
# linkedin_username: # your LinkedIn user name
# mastodon_username: # your mastodon instance+username in the format instance.tld/@username
# medium_username: # your Medium username
# orcid_id: # your ORCID ID
# osf_id: # your OSF ID
# pinterest_id: # your pinterest id
# publons_id: # your ID on Publons
# quora_username: # your Quora username
# research_gate_profile: # your profile on ResearchGate
rss_icon: true # set to true to show the RSS icon
scholar_userid: qc6CJjYAAAAJ # your Google Scholar ID
# scopus_id: # your profile on Scopus
# semanticscholar_id: # your Semantic Scholar ID
# spotify_id: # your spotify id
# stackoverflow_id: # your stackoverflow id
# telegram_username: # your Telegram user name
# unsplash_id: # your unsplash id
# wechat_username: # your WeChat user name
# whatsapp_number: # your WhatsApp number (full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.)
# wikidata_id: # your wikidata id
# wikipedia_id: # your wikipedia id (Case sensitive)
# work_url: # work page URL
# x_username: # your X handle
# youtube_id: # your youtube channel id (<youtube_id>)
# zotero_username: # your zotero username
custom_social: # can be any name here other than the ones already defined above
  logo: # can be png, svg, jpg
  title: Custom Social

Next, add the following to your layout file:

<div class="social">
  <div class="contact-icons">{% social_links %}</div>

Now, let’s stylize the social icons. To do this, add this to your CSS file:

.social {
  text-align: center;

  .contact-icons {
    font-size: 4rem;

    a {
      img {
        width: 3.2rem;
        height: 3.2rem;

      svg {
        width: 3.5rem;
        height: 4rem;
        margin-bottom: 0.5rem;

        image {
          width: 3.5rem;
          height: 3.5rem;

      i::before {
        color: #ddd;
        transition-property: all 0.2s ease-in-out;

      &:hover {
        text-decoration: none;

        i::before {
          color: green;

Also, don’t forget to add the fonts to your site. The easiest way to do this is by adding the fonts CDNs to your layout’s <head>. Here is an example, considering these CDNs:


It is recommended to avoid using the CDN in this case. Instead, download the fonts and add them to your project. This way, you can use some external tools like PurgeCSS to remove the unused icons from the fonts, reducing the size of the fonts and improving the performance of your site.

Adding Academicons

Download the latest release from the Academicons website. After downloading, extract the zip file and copy the following files:

File from Zip Destination
fonts/academicons.ttf assets/fonts/academicons.ttf
fonts/academicons.woff assets/fonts/academicons.woff
css/academicons.min.css assets/css/academicons.min.css

Adding Font Awesome

You need to download the latest release “for the web” from the Font Awesome website. After downloading, extract the zip file and copy the following directories contents:

File from Zip Destination
scss/ _sass/font-awesome/
webfonts/ assets/webfonts/

Adding Scholar Icons

Download the latest release from the Scholar Icons website and extract the zip file. Copy the files:

File from Zip Destination
css/scholar-icons.css assets/css/scholar-icons.css
fonts/scholar-icons.woff assets/fonts/scholar-icons.woff
fonts/scholar-icons.ttf assets/fonts/scholar-icons.ttf
Custom Social