This plugin enables to easily use css animations to consecutively animate html elements in a Jekyll page. It was inspired by this excellent post by Anthony Fu.
gem 'jekyll-animate-elements'
to your site’s Gemfile_config.yml
- jekyll-animate-elements
To enable this nice default effect you see on this page, simply add this to your _config.yml
enabled: true # enables css animation of individual elements
If you want to further customize the plugin and the animation used, here are all available options for you to set in your _config.yml
# using default values from plugin, excluding `enabled` and `verbose`
enabled: true # enables css animation of individual elements
# selector to select elements in page. All elements that match the selector will be used, in the order they are found
selector: "audio, blockquote, div.card, div.highlighter-rouge,, div.repositories, div.row,, div.tag-category-list, figure, h2, h3, ol, p, tr, ul, video"
name: enter # name of your animation
duration: 0.6s
# `from` and `to` can be either a string or a hash. Here you can see an example of both usages
opacity: 0
transform: translateY(10px)
to: "opacity:1;transform:none"
delay: 100ms # delay before each consecutive animation starts
# note that usually not more than 20 elements need to be animated, since they will be outside the screen
max_elements: 20 # maximum number of elements to animate (set to -1 to animate all elements)
verbose: true