Creating localized CV pages

This post is part of a series of posts that explain how to set up your own site based on the al-folio theme and add support for a second language:

We already created a local al-folio website and added support for another language in it. If you look at the cv tab, it looks really nice, and can also give you the option to download a pdf file. Let’s see how we can create a localized (with a per language translation) version of it.

Creating the structure

The current structure of the cv page is composed of 3 main files: _pages/, _layouts/cv.html, and _data/cv.yml. The first one is the definition of the page, the second one is the layout of the page, and the third one is the data that is used to populate it. We will create a new folder for each language inside the _data/ directory, and copy the file _data/cv.yml to both of them. The new _data/ directory will look like this:

  • _data/en/cv.yml
  • _data/pt-br/cv.yml
  • _data/coauthors.yml
  • _data/repositories.yml
  • _data/venues.yml

Now, lets replace the content of the _data/pt-br/cv.yml file with the following:

- title: Informações Gerais
  type: map
    - name: Nome Completo
      value: Albert Einstein
    - name: Data de Nascimento
      value: 14 de março de 1879
    - name: Idiomas
      value: Inglês, Alemão

- title: Educação
  type: time_table
    - title: PhD
      institution: University of Zurich, Zurique, Suíça
      year: 1905
        - Descrição 1.
        - Descrição 2.
        - title: Descrição 3.
            - Sub-descrição 1.
            - Sub-descrição 2.
    - title: Diploma de ensino federal
      institution: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurique, Suíça
      year: 1900
        - Descrição 1.
        - Descrição 2.

- title: Experiência
  type: time_table
    - title: Professor de Física Teórica
      institution: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
      year: 1933 - 1955
        - Descrição 1.
        - Descrição 2.
        - title: Descrição 3.
            - Sub-descrição 1.
            - Sub-descrição 2.
    - title: Visiting Professor
      institution: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Califórnia, EUA
      year: 1933
        - Descrição 1.
        - Descrição 2.

    - title: Diretor
      institution: Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, Berlim, Alemanha.
      year: 1917-1933

    - title: Professor de Física Teórica
      institution: Karl-Ferdinand University, Praga, Tchecoslováquia
      year: 1911 - 1917

    - title: Professor Associado de Física Teórica
      institution: University of Zurich, Zurique, Suíça
      year: 1909 - 1911

- title: Projetos de Código Aberto
  type: time_table
    - title: <a href="">al-folio</a>
      year: 2015-atual
      description: Um tema Jekyll bonito, simples, limpo e responsivo para acadêmicos.

- title: Honras e Prêmios
  type: time_table
    - year: 1921
        - Prêmio Nobel de Física
        - Medalha Matteucci
    - year: 2029
        - Medalha Max Planck

- title: Interesses Acadêmicos
  type: nested_list
    - title: Tópico 1.
        - Descrição 1.
        - Descrição 2.
    - title: Tópico 2.
        - Descrição 1.
        - Descrição 2.

- title: Outros Interesses
  type: list
    - <u>Hobbies:</u> Hobby 1, Hobby 2, etc.

Now, open the _layouts/cv.html file and replace the following line:

<!-- {% for entry in %} -->
{% for entry in[site.lang].cv %}

This will be sufficient to make the page work for the new language. Now, lets add the option to download the localized pdf file. For this, create a new folder for each language inside the assets/pdf/ directory, and copy the file assets/pdf/example_pdf.pdf to both of them. The new assets/pdf/ directory will look like this:

  • assets/pdf/en/example_pdf.pdf
  • assets/pdf/pt-br/example_pdf.pdf
  • assets/pdf/example_pdf.pdf

Now, lets update the link to the localized pdf file. We will use the same name for both files, which is already defined in the cv_pdf: example_pdf.pdf attribute inside _pages/ If you wish to use a different name for the pdfs, rename both and also update this information in the related attribute. Next, modify the following line in the _layouts/cv.html file:

<!-- <h1 class="post-title">{% t page.title %} {% if page.cv_pdf %}<a href="{{ page.cv_pdf | prepend: 'assets/pdf/' | relative_url}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="float-right"><i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i></a>{% endif %}</h1> -->
<h1 class="post-title">
  {% t page.title %} {% if page.cv_pdf %}<a
    href="{{ page.cv_pdf | prepend: '/' | prepend: site.lang | prepend: 'assets/pdf/' | relative_url}}"
    rel="noopener noreferrer"
    ><i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i></a
  >{% endif %}

And that will do.